How to Validate Your Solutions for Free Using Prototype

Imagine you’re an investor, and you’re meeting with two emerging startups. Company #1 comes to you with a promising idea and explains how their app will work, and then invites you to invest $100,000. Company #2 comes with a prototype of their app. Although the design is not perfect, it’s easy to understand the concept, and you got a visual idea of the user experience that looks professional. They also ask for $100,000. Out of the two companies, which would you choose? Which one are you?

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Instagram Stories: The Ultimate Business Engagement Tool

Written by: Julia Cavalcanti

Attention spans have been on a rapid decrease since social media became a big part of daily schedules. What used to be a seemingly short 12 seconds has now decreased to around 8 seconds. Social media apps like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook capitalize on this with the use of stories. These short 10-15 second videos and images are perfect to capitalize on the dramatic changes in attention span. 

How does this affect businesses? Well, there isn’t an easier way to engage with followers and customers than through Instagram stories. Stories have revolutionized the way that businesses go about marketing. With stories businesses can post short term ads that take minimal resources to produce. It is an easy and inexpensive way to grab the attention of potential customers. 

In addition, Instagram is making it a lot easier to see the exact numbers and statistics from these stories with their use of Business Accounts. With a Business Account you can 

unlock features that help you track your analytics. These include, story viewers, poll results, question responses, clicks on the links attached, users that went to your page after the story was posted, and more. This is extremely beneficial to businesses because they can now see what is receiving the greatest response and which parts of their stories’ strategy is working. 

Marketers have to adapt to this new wave in social media and marketing to be able to capitalize. Advertising today is very different from what it was decades ago, as now, we are able to reach thousands more people with just a click of a button.

For more entrepreneurial updates and business tips, follow us on instagram @revroadutah

Networking Scripts to Navigate Existing Relationships

Building connections and relationships with others is a crucial part of doing business. Ever heard the term your network = your net worth? That’s because the people you surround yourself with bring value to your life and business. 

For some, networking can be a very intimidating task. If you aren’t sure where to start, check out these scripts!

4 short networking scripts:

  1. You don’t know me, but our mutual associate [name] recommended that I contact you.
  2. I am trying to [specific ultimate goal] and they said of everyone they know, you would be the very best to talk to.
  3. Is there a time I can sit down with you for 15 minutes to discuss this?
  4. Who do you know that you would want to talk to if you were in my position?

In this workshop, RevRoad Strategist, Seth Robinson, guides us through the networking process and how to do it best. 
Watch the full networking workshop here

Download your “Networking Scripts Cheat Sheet” sheet here

Learn more about RevRoad here.

When to Use an NDA

Basically, an NDA is a way to keep your “secret” information secret—whether you’re dealing with friends or not.
You will want an NDA when you are presenting, sharing, showing, receiving, or allowing outsiders to access your confidential information.

In other words, Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) are legal agreements that protect sensitive information that contribute to projects, ideas, or products of the company and keep that information out of the hands of competitors.

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